Sunday, 12 September 2010

Les Accroche-coeurs

Les accroche-coeurs is a street performance festival that takes place in Angers every year. You walk around the city and run into all sorts of things from Fire-works displays to parades to classical music concerts in Cathedral gardens at midnight. There is a underlying theme for each year, a color and an animal. This year was themed "Cap au sud!" or basically the south cape (of europe), which is by africa so it followed an african vibe, the colors were red and white so many people throughout the town were wearing red and white color combinations. I wore blue. (I didn't bring any red with me here). 

This year the animal was horses so wild horses were just casually walking around the streets. My host sister was telling me that last year they had an elephant. I cant imagine an elephant fitting down the narrow streets here.

When the festival opened there was a big celebration and everyone gathered down by the river front here. This mound of dirt was put down my the mayor to symbolise that Europe is going to connect itself with africa by creating new land between Gibraltar and Africa. When Marion told me that France was land of the follies I thought it was a joke. I guess not. And this mound of "le terre" in the centre of town is there to prove it!!! The actually celebration was so much fun though and I had never had visions of coming to France and screaming over a mound of dirt. Everything is so wonderful. Its so hard to describe because I love it all even though I still don't understand the way life works here.

Yes that would be a man clinging to the steeple of the 20 storie high cathedral in a mirror ball suit. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi ! My name is Miranda and i'm in Marion's school she told me to go look on your web site.. your photos are absolutly gorgeous :D
    I'm american so I speak english and she told me that you loved sewing drawing and taking pictures i do to so i hope to meet you if you come and visit marion in paris !
    this is my website
    See ya :D
    Miranda Banana
