Thursday, 30 September 2010

françois le français

l'hymne officieux de la coupe du monde du football 2010 par Omar et Fred
I have almsot been here a month and Im kinda feeling that this video sums up the French culture. 
Wee translation of the first bit it may help some of you get the joke.

Vous me reconnaissez ?
Do you recognize me?
Non, vous ètes qui ?
No, who are you?
Je suis qui ? C'est moi François le français
who am I? I am françois the français!!
C'est moi François le français
I am françois the français .
Achète un coq!
Buy a cock (Rooster) !
Mets un berret
put on a berret
Et soutiens la France!
and support France!

[Refrain] Bleu Blanc Rouge
Blue white red
Il faut gagner les français
The french must win
Bleu Blanc Rouge
C'est moi François le français

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Haras National du Lion d'Angers (Et Picnic)

Today with my AFS chapter we visited the Haras National horse "Stud farm". My reigion of France (Maine et Loire) is very famous for its wonderful amazing horses and this place is the best in the country for horses. Infact the lovely guy pictured above (Which Chloe, Adrianna and I named Jaques) would sell for around 350,000 euro. Its also the countries hub of horse insemination. Which our guide gave us a very.. Intimate description of. Nice. Its set on 106 acres with neumerous châteaus . Very tranquil, like something out of a period film. I also learnt the french word for Squirel .
Its impossible to pronounce and I think I gave Louis one of the french boys atleast 5 minutes of entertainment when we werent being shown side saddles or the what-not.

After our visit everybody got together for a picnic to meet and greet each others host families and some of the kids that had arrived late. Generally to bond with each other in the French woods.

However we had to drive there and didnt realise this as we were sitting on the hill and saw Jacka drive by us in the car.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

les oiseaux d'Angers

I have yet to see a singular bird in Angers as they always seem to travel in packs, flocks, tribes etc. Its actually quite magical seeing 4 million birds swooping around the old buildings at once rather than one lonely bird searching for a spot on the slate.

Today was one of the first proper autumn day where it stayed cold for a whole day.  This was refreshing however because the mornings are really cold so you rug up and then by the afternoon its like it was the middle of summer all over again and the whole conglomerate strips in unison. 

Monday, 20 September 2010

Le Dev

Going to school in France is like taking a holiday for your entire life where occasionally some days you have to sit in a classroom and take notes being dictated too you with optional assignments and homework. Infact its so relaxed that if the teachers dont want to go to school for the day we dont have class. And this is what happened today when I had PE. My teacher, whos name I'm not aware of but he looks like a french version of John Cleese in a tracksuit, did not appear. Thus I had 4 hours off. So Chloe, Stein and I decided to explore and get really traditional french food for lunch... mmm crepes. However we forgot it was a monday and no where was open so we scoured the city for a while until... We came across the most amazing thing of my entire life :

If you have seen all 7 hours of wonderment of the cinematic masterpeice that is Devdas you will understand my excitement. A THEMED CAFE! IN THE MIDDLE OF NO-WHERE IN FRANCE. 

The images of the film were plastered up on the walls, it smelt like spices, we got free orange cocktails, and they played music from the film. As Chloe said for me "Its like going to Disney land and eating at the Beauty and the Beast cafe if its your favorite film, except that the cafe was in the middle of the desert and you just happend to find it after not eating for 10 days."
(On AFS you I can currently tell you that I have spent the first 2 weeks starving 24/7 and tired out of my nut 24/7).

A chicken madrass and a beef kourma was how an American, a Norweigian and a New Zealander spent their 4 hour lunch break in Angers. Kudos.

cher(z) junk

Have just returned from a very exciting weekend. My host mom had to go to an AFS weekend so my host sister Camille, father Claude and I decided to go and visit the god-parents of my other host sister Diane in their little village about 45 mins from central Bordeaux. This was so that my host dad could go and read some very very very very old documents from the 1800's about wine shipments from Bordeaux. (He's a wine dealer). The god parents are awesome people. The god-father Oliviay is an antique dealer (he told me what I think literally translates to a seller of expensive junk) (That is littered all over the property). And the god-mother Julia is an antique costume and textiles dealer, you will know her work without even realising it. Ever seen a little film called Pirates of the Carribean? Well the fabrics and the basic costume work was her doing. So going through her warehouse was like heaven for me. Everything from giant burlesque dancer feather fans the same size as me, to bullet bras, to full victorian dresses and french war nurse skirts. All authentic. But I will leave photos of that for a later day.

One of the best things  I think about the french culture is the Sunday breakfasts. The colors of french food are just a part of what makes its. Being in this country is in a strange way a time warp and even though you might have used a modern oven to cook the food its still presented on a plate older than the country that I come from. I get to stir my coffee with a spoon as old a Marie Antoinette. Now that is cool.

And of course the ray of golden sunshine in a basket, the holy grail of all French breakfasts. Reverved only for Sunday mornings because of its mighty price. I present to you, not a croissance, but a Croissant. I had been wondering for the past week why my history teacher loved to discuss the economic situation of the croissant. That is, until I worked out that croissance (pro-nouced basically exactly the same) means growth. However if you eat too many croissants you may experience a croissance.

Im starting to get used to everything around me being written in another language that I don't really understand . Its less exciting now. However when I discovered this on the side of the taps I couldn't control my excitement. 

After breakfast I decided to go for a small walk next door where I discovered a church. The door was open so I thought why not go in for a look. The little church was actually a big church. A big abandoned church that looked as though no-body had used it since it was built, apparently Julia was saying in the early 1800s so its not that old. It was quite eerie being the only person standing in a giant church. The family said it was really ugly but I found it oddly compelling. I like the crazy wallpaper.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Les fenêtres

Celui qui regarde du dehors à travers une fenêtre ouverte, ne voit jamais autant de choses que celui qui regarde une fenêtre fermée. Il n'est pas d'objet plus profond, plus mystérieux, plus fécond, plus ténébreux, plus éblouissant qu'une fenêtre éclairée d'une chandelle. Ce qu'on peut voir au soleil est toujours moins intéressant que ce qui se passe derrière une vitre. Dans ce trou noir ou lumineux vit la vit, rêve la vie, souffre la vie. Par delà des vagues de toits, j'aperçois une femme mûre, ridée déjà, pauvre, toujours penchée sur quelque chose, et qui ne sort jamais. Avec son visage, avec son vêtement, avec presque rien, j'ai refait l'histoire de cette femme, ou plutôt sa légende, et quelquefois je me la raconte à moi-même en pleurant. Si c'eût été un pauvre vieux homme, j'aurais refait la sienne tout aussi aisément. Et je me couche, fier d'avoir vécu et souffert dans d'autres que moi-même. Peut-être me direz-vous : « Es-tu sûr que cette légende soit la vraie ? » Qu'importe ce que peut être la réalité placée hors de moi, si elle m'a aidé à vivre, à sentir que je suis et ce que suis ?